Birth without fear

Bradley Childbirth Education taught by Julie Parache

You can give birth without fear. This is the central idea behind The Bradley Method® of childbirth education, taught at Center Portion by certified instructor, Julie Parache. Julie is passionate about educating women and their families about childbirth.  She has a strong belief that women’s bodies are designed to give birth and she trusts in the natural birth process because 90% of the time, birth goes as it should.

Julie says, “Pregnancy is one of the most life-affirming and miraculous moments in a woman’s life, but more and more often it’s treated like an illness.  Tragically, women in our culture are completely unfamiliar with the process of giving birth until they have a baby themselves, and for most of us, the ‘unknown’ can be intimidating and scary.  Without meaningful education and preparation before labor, our concern for our babies may lead us down the slippery slope of unnecessary medical intervention.  I want to help put the control back in the hands of laboring women and their partners.”

Monday Evenings 7:00 - 9:00 pm

For more information, or to register for classes, visit

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